Our Groups 

As a setting, when a new child starts, we work with the parents/guardian to find out the current child’s learning skills, this is also known as a ‘baseline’ or ‘starting point.’ We complete a document called, ‘All about me,’ This vital document helps us understand the needs of each child, the routines your child currently has and what we can do, to make your child’s transition to the setting as smooth as possible. 

We look after a mixed age range of children. We offer opportunities for children of different ages to have age-appropriate time. Our curriculum is based on each child’s interests & needs. We use the following Government Guidance Documents to track a child’s progress. All children are unique, and children learn at different times and in different ways.  If we have concerns about your child’s progression, we will in the first instance make you aware, secondly, monitor the situation and fully focus on the target area, following these two important steps if we see no improvement we will signpost you to other agencies that will be able to assist, for example, Doctors, Health Visitor, Optician, Speech and Language.

When deciding on a judgement of where your child fits within the Early Years Guidance we will look at two documents that support us in our evaluation:

Birth to 5 Matters:

Non-Statutory Guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage  (2021)


Development Matters, Non-Statutory Curriculum Guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage. (2021) Department for Education. 




As soon as a new baby starts, we set about bonding with the child, nurturing and understanding their individual needs.  Once strong relationships are formed and the baby is ready to seek new experiences away from the carer giver,  we allow babies to explore the new environment, children love to have awe and wonder and explore with all of the senses. Our experienced team will allow the baby to naturally unfold. This means that we do not use any aides, such as a  Bumbo booster seat, and toddler walking frames (Unless a medical or different ability need) this allows the baby to develop core strength which is proven to provide better physical development skills as they learn to sit, crawl, cruise and eventually walk.


All activities for toddlers are carefully planned to help each child develop. The key areas that we look at are, personal, social and emotionally, communication and language and physical development. Some children may be developing language and other children may be developing fine motor skills. Our under three’s love being outside no matter what the weather and the sensory learning of an outside environment support all curious children.  Singing and reading to the children is a great way for children to develop language and communication. 


Our Preschool children continue to learn by their interests and learning is extended by adding to the child’s interests through invitations to play. Literacy, Maths, understanding the world and expressive art and design form part of daily activities. 

Children learn how to share, take turns and wait patiently, they now develop secure manners and we teach children to respect each other, and we celebrate differences in the setting.



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