New Starters Information

When your little one starts, it is a good idea to send them in with a comforter or pacifier. 

All children will be given a named bottle so they will have access to their drinks throughout the day.

 On hotter days please remember to bring in a sun hat and suncream labelled with your Child's name.

On cooler days please remember to bring in warm clothes, a coat, scarf, hat, and gloves

All children should bring a daily change of clothes for messy play activities to change into after.

Younger children will need to bring in nappies and labelled cream. We will provide nappy sacks and baby wipes unscented unless you choose not to use ours.

What will my child need to wear?

'Dress for Mess, not for best’ children love to explore and exploring is a messy job, children will explore daily with messy play. Please do not throw the clothes away, if they become soiled, simply wash and put them back on to your child. 

Always bring your child with at least one set of spare clothes, this must include sooks in case of mess or an accident.

Walking children require sensible walking shoes, they need to be suitable and sturdy. In the summer months, you may wish to purchase your child's jelly shoes or waterproof shoes as these dry out quicker when playing with water. 

What is the setting daily routine?

Between the hours of 7.30 am and 9 am, children are arriving

9 am to 10 am Planned activities

10 am-10.30 am singing time, story time and snacks

12noon lunches

12-2 pm sleepers

12.30 pm Preschool activities 

2.30 pm snacks

 2.45 pm Free play

 4 pm Children's Tea

 5pm-5.30pm home time

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